Harrison Ford in Episode VII?


Here at Dream Nexus we normally don’t like to take part in unsubstantiated rumors, but if the newest buzz going around is true then it would be absolutely awesome.  In short, the rumor is that Harrison Ford has agreed to reprise his role as Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode VII.

Once again, this is still just a rumor, but there are many reasons why this would be amazing.  Firstly, anyone who is interested in the new films coming up is surely a fan of the original trilogy.  Harrison Ford as Han Solo was a huge part of the original trilogy and having him return would be like entering a state of nostalgic bliss.

Secondly, a lot of people who hold the original trilogy in high regards weren’t completely satisfied with Episodes I-III (especially Episode I).  Having Harrison Ford return as Han Solo lends instant credibility that Episode VII will be a serious movie.  If it was going to be some lame, Disney version of Jar Jar Binks 2.0 then it is highly unlikely that Harrison Ford would agree to return.  Having J.J. Abrams as the director certainly gives the impression that the film has potential already, but now there’s a chance Han Solo could be back?  Awesome.

Third, Han Solo is the man.  His witty humor and gun-slinging ways would be most welcome to return.  There has been lots of chatter about how Episode VII will take place roughly 20-40 years after the end of Episode VI.  Talk about perfect timing.  Harrison Ford will have aged perfectly to reprise the role.  Plus, 2011’s Cowboys & Aliens proved that he can still play the rowdy gunslinger quite well.

The news was originally announced by Latino Review which has a good track record of being accurate with these types of things.  You can read more about it at Total Film.

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